The Fabulous Fox theater in St. Louis
This is actually a curtain covering a window (the shiva image)
We had a private concert by the organist and a demonstration talk about the organOne of the griffins that guards the grand staircase. The eys are always blinking
The ceiling of the theater
Everything is plaster and is painted to look like marble
The original pipes are behind the gold screen on each side of the stage
The original 1929 Wurlitzer Theater organ
Greerson got to play the organ!
The carpet in the theater has an elephant motif and all of the trunks point to the stage even on the curved staircases.
The lobby
The ceiling above the mezzanine at the top of the grand staircase where the Fox Club Restaurant is located
The upstairs lobby
It costs $50,000 per season to be a member of the Fox Club
Fox Club members have boxes that seat 8 people
This is one of the boxes
This is a water fountain, It almost looks like a sculpture when you first see it.
The chandelier weighs 5,280 pounds
The lighting adds to the mystique of the siamese byzantine interior
Mrs. Fox enjoyed playing cards and the architect gave a nod to her hidden in the design of the ceiling
one has open eyes the next closed
These peacocks look cool
This is the elephant over center stage
The projection booth
The ladies room
This is the ceiling in the ladies room it shows a woman smoling a cigarette, but the cigarette has been blacked out
even the staircases are decorated
The lobby from the 3rd floor lobby
Peacock Alley on the 4th floor. This makes reference to each show that has been produced at the Fox through the years
The ceiling detail in the back of the theater
The grand staircaseThe staircase
The mirrored ceiling in the second floor lobby
The detail of the ceiling and balcony railing
The view from the back of the seating area on the first floor
The theater opened in 1929 equiped to show sound or silent movies
Each show that plays at the Fox leaves their mark backstage
Stan Kann was the theater organist for years
The view from the stageThe star's dressing room
Tony Orlando was the first to leave his mark at the Fox starting a tradition that still exists today
The star's dressing room
The regular makeup rooms
This was a camera in the screening room.
The original theater used this as a screening room for new movies. Today it is the gathering place for the ushers to find out details about specific performances and expected problems.
Greerson by the grand staircase
Daryl by the grand staircase