Saturday, July 26, 2014

Ladson and Billie Worley family reunion 2014

 Sheryl, BJ, Alicia, Daryl, Carol and Roxana waiting for the fireworks
 Rachel, RL, Ani, Greerson and Ryder waiting for the fireworks in the bed of the truck
 BJ, Alicia and Daryl
 Sheryl, Daryl, Carol, Steve, Renee Wood, Christa, Bob, Roxana and Alizabeth
 Steve, Renee and Christa
 Daryl and Ryder
Sheryl and Alizabeth

The children of Ladson and Billie Worley gathered in Harker Heights over the July 4th weekend at Sheryl and Bob's house.Steve, Carol and Rachel came from Tulsa, Oklahoma and Roxana drove in from Conway, Arkansas. BJ and Alicia were there from Dripping Springs and our cousin Renee Wood stopped in Thursday night on her way home to Plainview, Texas. We had a great time visiting and the kids enjoyed the pool.Independence Day we went out toward Fort Hood to watch the fireworks. Sheryl and RL tried their best to teach us all how to dance to "What does the Fox say". It was interesting to see how well we all could dance! Saturday night Ryder was jumping into the pool and hit his chin and ended up having to get stitches. Sheryl and Bob and BJ and his family were scheduled to head out one week later on a cruise to the Carribbean. They were afraid that his stitches would keep him from getting to play at the water park on the ship, so the Dr told him he had to rest for the rest of the weekend. That was very difficult for a preschooler, but he managed and ended up having fun on the cruise. It was so nice to get to see the family.

Sheryl and Bob in the forests of Belize.
They went on a cruise the week after our reunion while we were in Corpus Christi.

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