Saturday, August 30, 2008

Inner Space Cavern

We travelled to Georgetown to the Inner Space Cavern for Greerson's tenth birthday. It was really kind of cool (70 degrees). The cave was discovered in the 1960s when they were building a bridge on I-35. They were drilling core samples and kept losing bits, so they made a wider hole and dropped a man down into some old bat guana. They had to create a man made opening to the cave since it had closed over several years before. We rode a train down to the entrance and walked through the cave. It was a lot of fun. They even had a concrete retaining wall in the middle of the cave that had cave paintings on it (similar to the paintings in France). It was a very worthwhile trip, especially since Greerson got a mood ring! We had promised him that he could go to the cave since he missed the school field trip to the cave last year, because he was sick.

Who needs France, Texas has cave paintings too!!!!

Greerson and Tyler stand in awe as a bat flies around our heads
This is the rippled ceiling of the cave

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Greerson enjoyed the beach
Bright lights by the Tremont Hotel
Sand Castles on the beach

Tuna Does Vegas. . . .Coming to your city soon!

We made a quick trip to Galveston over the weekend. Our first stop was at the Katy Mills Mall where we checked out the Bass Pro Shop then drove on to Texas City. We stayed there since Hotels on the island are at a premium. Sunday we spent at the beach. Galveston Island State Park was a new experience for us. Greerson had a blast playing in the surf. The weather was very pleasant, cloudy and 89. Christa laughed that we went to the gulf and ate at the Saltgrass Steak House and Fuddruckers. Sunday evening we went to the 1895 Grand Opera House to see Joe Sears and Jaston Williams in Tuna Does Vegas. It was great! The ride home afterwards was a challenge (we got home about 1:30am).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Christa's Grandmothers Birthday

Woody, Grandma Pat, Bill and Tommy
Caroline playing pool!
Christa and Bill help Grandma Pat cut the cake, Caroline wants a piece!
Jerry Morris and Grandma Pat (Jerry always drives a red Cadillac)

We celebrated Grandma Pat's 90th Birthday today. Over sixty people attended the surprise party. It was good to see all of our relatives. Grandma Pat's friend Jerry Morris came with her nephew. She is known for driving a red Cadillac. She is quite the character and always livens up a party. It was so good to see her again.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Texas Rangers Game

Greerson and his friend Chas enjoy the game!
The scoreboard was almost directly across from our seats on the upper deck
This is the view from the car for almost 30 minutes as we waited to leave.
Greerson thought this guitar train was cool at the Gaylord Texan

We travelled to Dallas to pick Christa up at the airport and hung out at the Bass Pro Shop and the Gaylord Texan Resort until game time. The game was fun! We met some friends there and enjoyed the game even though the Rangers lost. The worst part of the entire experience was having to wait almost an hour to get out of the parking lot. We finally made it to Steak and Shake for a snack before the long ride home. We got home around 1am. There were two accidents on I-30 one in each direction that slowed everything down. Fortunately we made it home safely.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Aliens and the White Sands

Greerson and Christa climbing the sand dunes
Greerson and Daryl on the Dunes
Christa works on Space Lab
We found the flying saucer from the incident in Roswell (a test capsule)

This is the missile museum
Christa and Greerson watch the Space Shuttle land

Greerson at the UFO Museum in Roswell

Greerson really wanted to go to the Alien museum in Roswell, so we went. It was an interesting assortment of alien material, but when we were done we asked Greerson if he thought it was worth the $18 admission cost. He replied, no, maybe one cent. After we toured the museum we headed to Ruidoso for the weekend. We ate at a really great steak house called the Cattle Barron. They had a fabulous salad bar. We also surveyed the flood damage at Ruidoso Downs and the surrounding area along the river. We spent the day Saturday in Alamogordo at the International Rocket Museum (or something like that). Basically it outlined the development of rockets and the space program. It was really interesting and we enjoyed ourselves immensly. Greerson got a freeze dried ice cream sandwich like the astronauts would eat. It was interesting, but really wouldn't coax any of us to join the space program. Later that evening we travelled out to Truett and Betty's cabin and visited with Daryl's uncle Bob and aunt Jerry. They are staying at the cabin until Tuesday. We found out that Uncle Bob has a criminal past! He told us a story about a traffic accident he had in Spain and got mixed up with the police and had to go to court. He didnt have an attorney, he told another missionary who was taking him to court that Jesus was his attorney. When they got to the court the King of Spain (a dictator) had died the day before and the new King had pardoned everyone with an offense similar to Uncle Bobs. This was something, he said he was probably the only missionary pardoned by the King of Spain (and probably the only one that ever needed it). We also went to the White Sands since Christa wasnt with us last year when we went. We had fun and only carried a little away in our shoes. The leather seat in the car where Greerson was sitting turned white (it is normally tan) He had been rolling down the dunes and apparently the sand had collected in his pockets! Needless to say we had a great time.