Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving at the Ranch

Christa's cousin Greg and his wife Darlene
Grandpa Woody makes rolls for lunch
Christa and Greerson give Mr. Magoo some attention
Grandma writes down what she is thankful for as her brother Billy looks on
Marshall checks out Mimi's candle
Stephen, Marshall, Shanda and her mother Judy
Billy, Grandma and Lenora
The deer in the front yard
Mimi and Grandpa Woody
 Shanda and Brenna
 Grandma playing with Marshall
 Stephen and Marshall

We spent Thanksgiving at the ranch with Christa's parents. Wednesday night we arrived and ate a BBQ dinner and played Mexican Train. Thanksgiving morning was somewhat leisurely, there was the usual amount of kitchen preparations for lunch, and time to watch some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Grandpa Woody made homemade rolls and Grandma made her famous dressing. We had a great lunch listening to Christa's uncle (Grandma's brother)Billy spin yarns of yesteryear. Christa's cousin Greg was with us also discussing the art of mounting a deer skull in the European style. It was actually Christa's mother's fault. Apparently they found a deer skull in the backyard and she saved it and wants it mounted to hang in the living room.  The kid's table seemed just as lively Marshall and Brenna kept Christa, Greerson, Stephen, Shanda and Judy (Shanda's mother) entertained. After lunch we had all written what we were thankful for on a slip of paper and Grandpa Woody read each one and we had to try and guess who wrote it. It was fun trying to figure out who was thankful for food, family and other things. Later in the afternoon we did some bowling on the Wii and then played Mexican Train during the TAMU vs Texas game. It was a great time with family today. Greerson is excited about going hunting with Grandpa Woody early Friday morning. Shanda said, "He might as well go shopping if he's going to get up that early". Daryl spoke up and reminded her that Walmart opened at 10pm tonight. None of our crew is that desperate for a deal so it looks like we will all sleep in except for the hunters. There were lots of deer around the house today, but that is apparently a sanctuary and we can't shoot them at the house. We have to be primitive about it and hide in a box in the woods. We are all thankful for family and friends this year and the blessings God has provided.

Baylor vs OU

Greerson and Daryl attend the Baylor versus Oklahoma game last Saturday. It was a nail biter from the beginning. We normally really enjoy going to the Baylor Football games, but this time the stands were really crowded with Oklahoma fans. We sit on the 50 yard line, but at the very top of the stadium on the studen side. These are normally great seats, but for this game we were in the middle of Baylor fans and OU fans that insisted on commenting about each play of the game and how much better their team was than the other one. At the beginning of the game the band played Texas our Texas and of course all true Texans stood in respect, that is except Greerson. I asked him to stand and he refused because no one else around us was standing. I had to explain to him that they were from Oklahoma  and did not respect the Texas state song. Apparently he has reached the stage of worrying about what other think. We enjoyed the first half of the game, but the tensions began to grow. One Baylor fan heckled a grandfatherly type ( in appearance only) stating, "at least I attended my team's school". This grandfather has managed to clear out the rows all around him due to his language and attitude. We were so crowded we didn't have a good opportunity to escape until halftime started. Greerson decided he wanted to go home and watch the game since there was so much cursing in the crowd. We made it home in time to watch the last half on tv. It was an exciting game right down to the last few seconds.  We were greatful that we didn't stay to witness all of the OU fans lose.
All we have to say is Sic'em Bears!!!! You deserved the win.
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Salado Scottish Clan Gathering

Greerson in his new kilt

We joined the Clan Douglas and they took this picture for their newsletter

November is the time each year that the Scottish clans gather in Salado, Texas. The Boy Scout Troop decided to attend the Highland games at the BSA camp Tahauya near Salado. They had a great time, but Greerson wanted to attend the real games and gathering in Salado. We had recently discovered that we are descendants of the Scottish Kings (James  I through V and Robert Stewart), so this was the perfect opportunity to find out more about our family. This was the 50th annual Salado Scottish Clan Gathering. While we were there we officially joined Clan Stewart, Clan Douglas and Clan Campbell. Greerson was excited to learn that he is a descendant of the McGregor Clan. Apparently Greer is an old McGregor name in Scotland. Greerson wasn't named specifally for the Clan, but rather his two grandfathers, Woody Greer Shultz and Ladson Worley. Christa's grandmother's maiden name was Greer. It was interesting to discover that the family name was Grierson before it was shortened to Greer. Greerson decided he needed a kilt so we went to the outiftter and had him fitted for a new kilt. He wore it over his jeans for the rest of the weekend at the Scout Camp. It was too cold for him to wear it without jeans and he didn't have any kilt stockings with him.