Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Texas Bowl 2010

One of the few Baylor touchdowns at the Texas Bowl 2010!
This is the Illinois band from the end zone they just looked like they were marching in a straight line, but on the screen you can see they are able to spell.

The Cheerleaders watch the game in anticipation of a touchdown

The Scouts wait to unfurl the flag

The Baylor Golden Wave Band perform at half time

Sic'em Bears!!!!!!

waiting in the tunnel to go onto the field

It's almost time

Chas and Greerson wait in backstage to go into the tunnel and onto the field

The Scouts at the Methodist Practice Facility preparing for their presentation at the game

Greerson is ready to go to the game

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

We got up early and had chocolate croissants then rushed around preparing for the crowd to arrive. Actually Greerson got us up about two hours earlier to check out the tree downstairs and found a semiautomatic air rifle and a handgun. Then we took a nap and ate the croissants. Dinner was prepared about noon and we had about thirty people there to eat. After lunch we did the chinese Christmas game where you draw a number and get or steal a present. It was a lot of fun. Christa's uncle opened two snuggies then got a big roll of aluminum foil that was taped up. after about ten minutes of unwrapping the foil he found a big sucker and a box of aluminum foil. Unfortunately he had to keep the foil and didn't get either one of the snuggies. Daryl got a flashlight and Christa ended up with one of the snuggies with Texas A&M on it and Greerson got salt and pepper shakers that look like shotgun shells. We had our traditional game of Mexican Train and Sheryl and Daryl tied in last place. It was decided that Sunday morning we would play again. The result of that game was Sheryl first place (now she can return to Missouri after vowing not to leave until she won) and Daryl second place. It was a lot of fun. We have been eating ham for two days now so I think we may head back to Waco to change our diet a little. Brenna has been talking to us a lot this Christmas (she is 18 months), it was a joy to watch her open her presents and find a new toy. Greerson and Tyler took over the theatre and have been watching movies. We took family photos by the fireplace as you can see.

Mimi and Grandpa Woody
Greerson and Tyler

Daryl, Christa, Shanda and Stephen

The Christmas tree

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa Came

Greerson couldn't wait to get downstairs to see if Santa came. When he got down there he found a semiautomatic BB gun. He was excited to say the least.

Christmas Eve

We had a great Christmas Eve. We started out by checking on the animals and a couple of animals came to the fence to see us. It was really cool. Daryl forgot the Wii fit, so rather than go to Waco he drove to Bryan and bought a new one to keep at the ranch. We had steaks for dinner and the kids were rushing us so they could open presents. Greerson actually cleared the dishes from the table. Brenna was so cute she found a present that was hers and she was carrying it around the house. Shanda made a gingerbread house that was really delicious. She actually baked it fresh. By the end of the night it had a huge garage door cut out of the back and a big window on the side and all of the gingerbread men were gone along with the north pole sign. The picture is after they disappeared.

Brenna got a new coat

Greerson actually got a present!

Grandpa Woody found a crown

Brenna found her present

We start letting them drive at 18 months

Greerson checking out the animals

Here are the animals that came to the fence. One had his horns sawed off

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ladson Worley

Ladson Roscoe Worley (1928-2008) was born in a little community close to Muleshoe, Texas on December 24, 1928 to W.G. and Lottie Worley. He was the fourth of six children. He grew up in eastern New Mexico in the small community of Floyd. During his high school years he drove a bus for the district and after graduation attended Wayland College in Plainview, Texas. This is where he met Billie Galloway and they eventually married and then transferred to Howard Payne College in Brownwood, Texas. The first couple of years of marriage they really struggled financially, but God saw them through the difficult times. He was a music minister and they served in several churches throughout Texas and New Mexico. He got a masters degree from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas and another from Eastrn New Mexico University in Portales, New Mexico. After serving many years as a full time music and education minister he found himself teaching in the public schools in Bovina, Texas. Later he would teach and retire in the Killeen ISD in central Texas. That is the professional side of this great man, but he was very multifaceted. I do not believe that there was anything he could not do. He was a clock builder and he learned to adjust my mother's spine from the chiropracter since they lived 80 miles away and she couldn't always get there for a treatment. He was an avid gardener, auto mechanic, carpenter and general fix it man. A product of the great depression he grew up learning how to make things work without the actual parts you need to repair it. He was not about making things pretty, but they would work and get the job done. I was always amazed that he never had a birthday cake until he met my mother, but she saw to it that he had one every year in spite of the fact that his birthday was so close to Christmas. We always gathered on Christmas eve and ate dinner then had a birthday cake with candles and he opened his birthday presents. Then we would move into the living room and he would read the Christmas story from the Bible and then we would all exchange gifts. We never had gifts on Christmas morning. Looking back he really gave up his birthday so that we could all enjoy the gifts and spend time with each other. He was a great man and I sorely miss him, but most of all I miss him on Christmas Eve. It is a comfort to me to know that somewhere in heaven my mother is celebrating with him today. He really missed her when she passed away. I am greatful that they have been reunuited.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Daddy and Grandma Bob (my mother's step grandmother) in June 2004

Daddy checking out Steve's car in June 2004

December 24 is a day full of lots of activities, but it also marks the birth of Ladson Worley, Daryl's Dad. In looking for a picture to put up today I found a picture taken pre brain tumor of Daddy checking out Steve's new vehicle. This is particularly special since we have just suffered the loss of our Honda, knowing that if he was around he could of helped us fix it and keep driving it rather than just hand it over to the insurance company.

Lunar Eclipse

We decided to observe the lunar eclipse so we got out the zero gravity lounge chairs and set everything up in the backyard for a middle of the night observation. Lucky wasn't sure what to make of all three of us out in the backyard with him in the middle of the night. He was really excited! Rusty the dog next door was concerned and barked a little and we found out later that the neighbors were worried about Lucky because he wasn't barking with Rusty so they came out and peeked throught the fence to see what was going on. They thought it was kind of weird, all they saw was Christa sitting in the grass. Later the next morning they discovered it was the eclipse and they said they felt silly for wondering what was wrong with Christa. Lucky is a 60lb Border collie, but he was raised with our yorkies and he thinks he's a lap dog. He spent part of the time in Daryl's lap (see the picture) and part of the time with his head in Christa's lap. Greerson woke up for the initial phase of the eclipse, but took a nap in between then returned for the final phase. It was a perfect night. It was cloudy, but there was a perfect circle around the moon for us to view the stars and the moon.

The eclipse of the moon

It's amazing that the camera caught both of our eyes closed.

Christmas at Grandma Pat's

Christmas at Grandma Pat's was a little different this year. In stead of the usual brisket we decided to go Italian with lasagna and chicken spaghetti. It was actually a very welcome change. Grandma Pat was able to make the trip and it was so good to see her. She is 93 and nearly blind, but she keeps on charging ahead. We ate lunch and the kids were anxiously awaiting the time to open their presents. The one notable thing about lunch was the prayer. Bill, Grandpa Woody's younger brother is a preacher and he began gave the short reminder of being thankful preprayer message and someone forgot to turn the tv off (they just muted the sound). This caused a problem for some of the less holy guys who were more interested in the game that was being played than the prayer. Immediately after the prayer, one of them shouts "hey guys you really got to see this play". All in all in was a great gathering of friends and family!

Grandpa Woody and his brother Tommy contemplate the situation

Brenna and Greerson check out Their gifts

Henry has horns

The kids anxiously wait to open their gifts

Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Daryl wiped out the 2000 Honda Accord

This little airbag caused the car to be a total loss
It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our 2000 Honda Accord. It has been a great car! We have had this body style car since 1997. We first had 1998 Accord we drove for a little over 100,000 miles and then traded for the 2000 Accord which we drove 178,000 miles until it was broadsided on the way to the car wash. Daryl had just returned from Corsicana and cleaned the car out so he could get it washed and ready for next semester. As he was turning into the car wash he got hit. It jammed both doors shut on the passenger side and set off the side airbag. Apparently an airbag is enough to total a car. We got a very generous settlement from the insurance company, but even so we will miss our car. We actually had three vehicles so we are not without

December was full of activities. We coordinated the Boy Scout float in the Christmas parade and Greerson had his first band concert. He also was in the Living Nativity at our church. This was the first year that the church had done this. It was really amazing to watch.

Greerson carried a banner for the first king in the Living Nativity
Greerson waiting to go on in the Living Nativity presentation at church

Mimi and Grandpa Woody with Greerson after his first Band concert

Thanksgiving 2010

Mimi and Brenna check out the animals
This is the one that wouldn't jump over the fence. We really wanted to take him home!

This is the new addition at Grandma Pat's house

This is the living counterpart to the new addition at Grandma Pat's house

Magoo enjoys a break from the monotony of Thanksgiving!

This black buck was standing close the fence checking us out.

Tyler and Greerson playing the target game from Cabelas

We spent Thanksgiving at the ranch. The crowd was much smaller than usual, but we enjoyed each others company just the same. After lunch we went out to look at the animals and saw some really close to the fence. Geoffrey (the girafffe) was not out this year so we didn't get to see him. Greerson and Tyler had a blast playing the Cabela's shooting game on the Wii.