Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Greerson went to Philmont Scout Ranch

 Greerson resting under a tree
 Greerson's new friend
 Greerson and his friend John
 Greerson panned for gold

Greerson headed off to New Mexico to Philmont Scout Ranch the day after school was out for a two week trek in the mountains. His Scout Master Mike Davis took all of the photos for us. They experienced everything from high winds to hail. Greerson took his turn leading the donkey and managed to get bitten twice. Once on the arm and once on the leg. Greerson said he was baring his teeth and smiling at him. We asked what did you do to him and Greerson responded,"I just led him".

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Terry and Andrea Reeves

                                                              Terry and Andrea Reeves
                                             Terry and Andrea at the Fort Worth Stockyards

Daryl had the pleasure of meeting a couple from England. His friends, Jodie and Dave Schenck gave a dinner party to honor Terry and Andrea Reeves, a couple they had met on a cruise in Europe last summer. This was their first time to visit the United States and they were very excited to meet actual Texans. Terry has written a book that chronicles his life and describes his work in Africa working to teach the native Africans how to farm and raise food. Daryl was so excited to get to visit with them and Terry gave him a signed copy of his book. It was a very interesting evening. Jodie and Dave were going to give them a tour of Texas over the next couple of weeks. They were heading to a dude ranch in Bandera and touring the big bend and then checking out the Alamo in San Antonio. The book is called "African Harvest: the passion, joy and heartaches from a love of Africa" by Terence Reeves. For those of you that watch "Downton Abbey" on PBS the writer Julian Fellowes is planning to read Terry's book.He said that one day he got a phone call and it was Julian's wife and she said they were laying in bed and she had been reading excerpts of Terry's book to Julian. She went on to say that Julian was really busy, but that he had added Terry's book to his reading list. Terry later had the opportunity to speak with Julian at church and he was looking forward to reading the book.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Eagle Project and Memorial Day

May was a busy month in the Worley household. The first of the month Greerson was working on his Eagle Scout Project, a prayer garden for our church. It turned out very nice and the Kindergarten class used it the next day for Sunday School. Memorial Day was spent at the ranch with Christa's family. It was a nice break. The highlight of the weekend was moving the bulldozer across the road so Grandpa Woody can check to make sure it is working. Marshall and Brenna had a great time playing in the pool and at the playground at Hilltop Lakes. Daryl finished the manuscript for his Theatre textbook and got it to the publisher before the June 2 deadline. It should be published in August in time to be used in college classrooms for the Fall semester. We will post more about that when it is released. Greerson is finishing up school this week and we are all ready for summer.
 Greerson presenting his project for engineering
 We fed all of the workers at the Eagle Scout project
 Greerson discussing the placement of the stones
 The finished project

 Greerson planting some roses
 Christa lends a hand with the planting

 The finished project
 We brought the canoe and the tent for Memorial Day.

 Marshall helps Grandpa Woody cook breakfast
 Christa, Woody and Marshall cooking breakfast

 The view on a Memorial Day walk
Brenna and Marshall enjoy the playground
 we celebrated Shanda's Birthday, Grandpa Woody and the kids decorated the cake