Monday, November 21, 2011

Salado Scottish Clan Gathering

Greerson in his new kilt

We joined the Clan Douglas and they took this picture for their newsletter

November is the time each year that the Scottish clans gather in Salado, Texas. The Boy Scout Troop decided to attend the Highland games at the BSA camp Tahauya near Salado. They had a great time, but Greerson wanted to attend the real games and gathering in Salado. We had recently discovered that we are descendants of the Scottish Kings (James  I through V and Robert Stewart), so this was the perfect opportunity to find out more about our family. This was the 50th annual Salado Scottish Clan Gathering. While we were there we officially joined Clan Stewart, Clan Douglas and Clan Campbell. Greerson was excited to learn that he is a descendant of the McGregor Clan. Apparently Greer is an old McGregor name in Scotland. Greerson wasn't named specifally for the Clan, but rather his two grandfathers, Woody Greer Shultz and Ladson Worley. Christa's grandmother's maiden name was Greer. It was interesting to discover that the family name was Grierson before it was shortened to Greer. Greerson decided he needed a kilt so we went to the outiftter and had him fitted for a new kilt. He wore it over his jeans for the rest of the weekend at the Scout Camp. It was too cold for him to wear it without jeans and he didn't have any kilt stockings with him.

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