Monday, October 6, 2008

Lake Mineral Wells

The old Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells
The children's minister delivers the morning message!

Greerson discusses his plans with a friend.

We travelled to Lake Mineral Wells with the Cub Scouts and travelled the bike trail. Greerson had a blast. Our children's minister came camping with us and we invited them to dinner at our site on Friday night. During dinner we were talking about a family of racoons that had moved into our church in the children's building. They had finally gotten rid of them and She was talking about how she didnt want to deal with them again. We finished dinner and they headed home after dark (their site was right across the road from ours). About five minutes later she called and told us that the coons had gotten into their food while they were at our site. We really had a good laugh since we had just talked about her experience with the other coons. It turned out that the coons at that park are particularly adept at opening coolers and stealing food. Even the most season Scout Master got his hamburger meat stolen. We were fortunate that they didn't get into ours since Daryl had placed the drink cooler on top of the food cooler. If it hadn't been next to the trailer they would have just pushed it off and gotten what they wanted. After a moving sermon from the children's minister Sunday morning we drove home.

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