Thursday, August 26, 2010

Douglas, Wyoming

Daryl left Camp Tahosa and headed to the Denver airport where he picked up Christa and our friend Christy Howard and her son Caleb. Her huband Chuck stayed at the camp and met us later with Greerson and their other son Chas. We went grocery shopping at Safeway. It was like a picture perfect grocery store with mood lighting and awesome displays. It really made the food look good. Anyway, we met Chuck and the boys at Target and headed for the Wyoming border. We pulled into Douglas, Wyoming a couple of hours later and got set up and decided on a local restaurant for dinner. It was really interesting. The chairs were made out of logs and every time Chuck got up it turned over because the backs were so heavy. Caleb ordered spaghetti from the kids menu he thought, but when it came it was an adult serving. We didn't think much of it until the check came and they charged for an adult serving. The waitress claimed that he should have clarified that he wanted a child's portion. After that meal every time Caleb ordered he made sure to specify "kid's menu". After dinner we found the town square and took pictures by the big Jackolope.

The Wyoming landscape

This town had banners for all of the boys from their town serving in the military. The Carnegie Library was interesting also.

Greerson in Douglas, Wyoming home to the Jackalope

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