Monday, September 27, 2010

Troop 377 at the ranch

Brenna and Mimi and Granpa Woody watch the events
Greerson takes a break

The court of honor candles

Troop 377 campsite

The Bob games 2010 leader board

Grandpa Woody instructs the boys on setting up the canopy

We hosted Troop 377 and their parents for a weekend of games and fun. They have the "Bob" games (Best of the Best) each year and wanted to do it at the ranch. It was perfect for them, other than the September heat. Next year I think October will be better. They arrived on Friday night and set up camp and Daryl put five briskets on to smoke for Saturday nights BBQ. The kitchen crew worked all day on the BBQ and it really paid off. The food was great!!!! The games were a great success and the boys all had a great time. Stephen and Shanda came and watched the activities also. Saturday night was the first Eagle Scout presentation that Troop 377 has done. It was a really special time for all of the boys. Greerson received his Tenderfoot badge that night. Sunday morning after a short sermon by Daryl everyone loaded up on the trailer and went to see the animals. It was a great weekend, but it took a couple of weeks for us to fully recover.

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