Saturday, January 9, 2016

Ready for 2016

The Fall of 2015 went so quickly it is hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone. We attended the Baylor Football home games, Midway High School Football games and supported the Midway Band program. Greerson is playing the trombone and we worked several marching contests and concession stands throughout the football season. Christa serves as the membership chair and Daryl is the parliamentarian for the Midway Band Backers. We also still actively support the Boy Scouts in Hewitt. Daryl is hard at work on his doctorate from Liberty University and will complete coursework in May 2016. During the fall semester he took 12 hours and taught 15 hours and managed to write a new textbook that is schedule to be published next week.
We spent Thanksgiving at the ranch with Christa's parents and Greerson got a deer while we were there so we will have venison to enjoy this winter. December was a flurry of activities. Daryl played the piano and Greerson the trombone for the Christmas musical at church and Christa ran the sound. That occupied a couple of months in the Fall as well as the first two weeks of December. The performance was great and the church seemed to really enjoy it.

Greerson completed his Eagle Board this fall and will have an Eagle ceremony sometime this spring.

Daryl is headed to Virginia the second week in January for his second week in residency at Liberty University.

 Enjoying Baylor Football!

Daryl's siblings: Steve, Sheryl and Daryl

Steve's daughter Rachel came for a visit last summer and Sheryl and Daryl gave her a tour of Waco.

Sheryl, Rachel and Daryl at Baylor

                                                      Daryl headed to a Band event!

 This photo was taken for the cover of Daryl's new textbook, but was not used since it looked like the boy was cleaning Daryl's ear!
 Greerson at the Eagle Board, He was approved!!!!

The Christmas Musical at church
Daryl and Christa's Christmas morning  picture.

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